Transcendental Meditation Techniques For SuperPower Benefits

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a simple, natural technique that allows the mind to settle into a state of restful alertness. Transcend means to bypass ordinary thoughts and meditation means to focus on one thought.

The purpose of practicing transcendental meditation is to reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and promote overall well-being.

If you are a beginner in meditative filed, you can get knowledge on meditation and super sleep and peaceful rest.

Guided meditation is another form of technique that any beginner can learn it.

Read: Books For Exploring Mystical and Esoteric Methods



St. Anthony Preached To Fishes, Is It Possible?

St. Anthony Preached To Fishes, Is It Possible?

As we all know, without no doubt, St. Anthony is a powerful saint of wonder worker. He performed many miracles each day and it is said that St. Anthony preached to fishes at the sea. Is it possible to preach to fishes? and is it possible for fishes to understand what St. Anthony preach to them?



Ancient Texts On Special knowledge Of Jesus To Mary Magdalene

Ancient Texts On Special knowledge Of Jesus To Mary Magdalene

Do you believe in special knowledge of Jesus to Mary magdalene? Can you find the source of it?

In the canonical Gospels, there is no specific mention of Jesus sharing a “secret” with Mary Magdalene that he did not share with the other disciples. However, Mary Magdalene is depicted as having a unique and profound role in Jesus’ life and ministry.



The Relationship Between Jesus and Mary Magdalene

The Relationship Between Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Introduction: The life of Jesus is described in the Bible which is the sacred and Holy Book of Christians. Jesus as the savior the of the world and mankind had many followers including Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene was a disciple of Jesus. According to the wikipedia, Mary magdalene one of the women disciples who traveled with Jesus to support in his mission.
