Ninth Sunday Homily in the Ordinary Time Year C
NINTH SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C 1Kgs 8:41-43 Gal 1:1f., 6-10 Lk 7: 1-10 Faith and “Outsiders” Favorite 0
NINTH SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C 1Kgs 8:41-43 Gal 1:1f., 6-10 Lk 7: 1-10 Faith and “Outsiders” Favorite 0
EIGHTH SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C Sir 27:4-7 1 Cor 15:54-58 Lk 6:39-45 Integrity Positive Judgments of Others; Our Call to New Life in the Risen Lord; Mind Your Tongue! Favorite 0
SEVENTH SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C 1 Sam 26:2; 7-9, 12f., 22f. 1 Cor 15: 45-49 Lk 6:27-38 Noble Forgiveness of Others Imitating God in His Mercy; Nobility of Character; Going beyond the Golden Rule; Loving Enemies. Favorite 0