Jer 33:14-16 1 Thes 3:12-4:2 Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Preparing for the Coming of One
Who Has Already Come
Jesus Is Coming: Prepare! Eternal Vigilance; Waiting.
Homily Sunday – Inspiring Weekly Catholic Homilies and Reflections
Enriching Your Faith with Weekly Catholic Homilies and Reflections
Jer 33:14-16 1 Thes 3:12-4:2 Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Preparing for the Coming of One
Who Has Already Come
Jesus Is Coming: Prepare! Eternal Vigilance; Waiting.
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Christ likened the Kingdom of God to a tree in the branches of which all the birds of the sky are able to find shelter. Therefore, in a Christian community there should be no strangers, no outsiders, no rejects. Everybody should feel welcome and at home. Christ accepts us, therefore we should accept one another. Let us pause to see if there is anybody we are rejecting. [Pause]
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Today we have the extraordinary scene of Jesus eating and drinking with sinners and outcasts.
We are gathered around the table of Christ, not because we think we are better or more deserving than others, but because we know we are sinners, sinners who need his healing and forgiveness. [Pause]
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Today’s Gospel tells about the cure of a man born blind. We all suffer from different forms of blindness. We all have many blind spots. But there is hope for us if we are willing to admit them. [Pause]
The Gospel today tells of a woman who was searching for a water that would quench her thirst for happiness.
Right out of the blue she encountered a person who told her that he could provide her with that water. The person was Christ.