Last Updated on October 18, 2024 by SundayHomily
This is a joke on talking dog.
Laughing is a good medicine for good health of human life. Jokes are good as far as it don’t hurt others. Lets share good jokes and humor with others for happy laughing.
“I will look for the flowers by the side of the road; I will laugh and love and be strong. I will try to lighten another’s load this day as I fare along.” – MARY S. EDGAR
Here you will find religious jokes and humor for religious people. By sharing religious jokes one thing is sure that jokes and humors are in every aspects of human life.
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1. A Joke on Talking Dog and the Priest
A man took his dog to church one Sunday. As the priest was giving his homily, the dog barked out, “Amen!” The priest, surprised, asked, “Does this dog know the Bible?” The owner nodded, “Oh yes, he knows it well.” The priest, intrigued, said, “Alright, let’s test him. What is the greatest commandment?” The dog barked, “Love your neighbor as yourself!” The priest smiled, “Amazing! Can he do any other tricks?” The owner shook his head and said, “No, but he’s still working on loving the mailman.”
2. Sunday School Wisdom A Sunday school teacher asked her class, “Who wants to go to heaven?” Everyone raised their hand except for one little boy. The teacher was surprised and asked, “Johnny, why don’t you want to go to heaven?” Johnny replied, “I can’t, my mom said I have to go straight home after church.”
3. The Confession A priest was hearing confessions one day, and a young man came in. “Father, I have sinned. I stole some lumber,” he confessed. The priest asked, “Did you make restitution? Did you give it back?” The man said, “No, Father, I used it to build a doghouse for my dog.” The priest paused and then asked, “Well, are you sorry for your sin?” The man responded, “No, but I’m sorry that my dog outgrew the house.”
You can find more jokes here.