Category: Homily Year A
Seventh Sunday Of The Ordinary Time Year A
Seventh Sunday Of The Ordinary Time Year A Love your enemies INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR            In today’s Gospel Christ says to us: ‘Love your enemies. We tend to take these words with a grain of salt, as if they were meant for the saints, not for us. But they are meant for us but they…
Sixth Sunday Of The Ordinary Time Year A
SIXTH SUNDAY OF THE ORDINARY TIME YEAR AÂ Our inner sins INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Many people, who confess their sins, confess only the things they have done wrong. But Christ tells us that we can sin even if we never commit the external act. We can sin in our thoughts, desires, motives, and attitudes. Sin…
Fifth Sunday Of The Ordinary Time Year A
FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE ORDINARY TIME YEAR A Salt of the earth and light of the world INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Salt adds flavour to food and keeps it from going bad. Light brightens up the world and shows people the way. In today’s Gospel Jesus tells his disciples that they are to be like light…