Category: Homily Year A
The Body and Blood of Christ Homily Year A
THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Jesus: the bread of life INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR An early Christian writing says this: ‘On the Lord’s day, gather in community to break bread and give thanks. No one who has a quarrel with another person may join your gathering, not until they are reconciled. Your sacrifice must not…
Trinity Sunday Homily Year A
Solemnities of our Lord TRINITY SUNDAY INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Today we celebrate the greatest mystery of our faith. We would not know anything about it if God had not revealed it to us. The mystery is this: that God is Father, Son and Spirit. Favorite 0
Pentecost Sunday Homily Year A
PENTECOST SUNDAY Changed people INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR This is the day when Jesus, true to his promise, sent his Spirit on the apostles. The coming of the Spirit resulted in changed people and saw the launching of the new community (the Church). Favorite 0