23rd Sunday Homily of the Ordinary Time Year B
Twenty-third Sunday Homily of the Ordinary Time – Year B
Readings: Isa 35:4-7, Jas 2:14-l8, Mk 7:3l-37
August 21, 2024
2 Kgs 4:42-44
Eph 4:1-6
Jn 6:l-15
Jer 23:1-6
Eph 2:13-l8
Mk 6:30-34
Amos 7:12-l5
Eph l:3-l4
Mk 6:7-l3
Readings: Ezek 2:2-5, 2 Cor 12:7-l0, Mk 6:l-6
Readings: Wis I:l3-l5; 2:23-24, 2 Cor 8:7,9,l3-l5, Mk 5:2l-43
Readings: Job 38:l, 8-l ll, 2 Cor 5:l4-l7, Mk 4:35-4l
Readings: Ezek I7:22-24, 2 Cor 5:6-I0, Mk 4:26-34