Easter Sunday Homily Year B
Easter Sunday Homily – Year B Readings: Acts 10:34 a, 37-43, Col 3:1-4, Jn 20:1-9 Favorite 0
Easter Sunday Homily – Year B Readings: Acts 10:34 a, 37-43, Col 3:1-4, Jn 20:1-9 Favorite 0
THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Story-telling on the road to Emmaus INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR On Easter Sunday evening two disciples of Jesus were returning to their native village. They were filled with sadness because the man on whom they had pinned their hopes had been executed. Then the risen Jesus joined them, opened their eyes, and…
EASTER SUNDAY YEAR A The resurrection: heart of the Good News INTRODUCTION AND common It is impossible to describe the greatness and joy of this day for Christians. This is the day Christ our Brother broke the chains of death and rose in triumph from the grave. He did this, not just for…