Thirty Third Sunday Homily in Ordinary Time Year C
THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C Mal 13:19 2Thes 3:7-12 Lk 21: 5-19 Patient Endurance The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth with Justice; Live Life Fully; The Day of the Lord.
THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C Mal 13:19 2Thes 3:7-12 Lk 21: 5-19 Patient Endurance The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth with Justice; Live Life Fully; The Day of the Lord.
THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C 2 Mac 7:1f.,9-14 2 Thes 2:16-35 Lk 20:27-38 Is This Life All There IS? The Resurrection of the Body; Life after Death; Resurrection to Life; This World and the World of Resurrection.
THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C Wis 1122-1221 2Thes 1:11-22 Lk 19:1‘10 To Whom Does Salvation Come? The Table as Place of Salvation; Taking the Long View; The Long and Short of It; Mercy as the Way to Salvation.
THIRTIETH SUNDAY HOMILY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C Sir 35:12-14, 16-18 2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18 Lk 18:9-14 How to Pray The Lord and the Cry of the Poor; True Religion; Humility in Approaching God; Preferential Option for the Por.