Category: Homily Year A

Fourth Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year A
FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE ORDINARY TIME YEAR A The Beatitudes INTRODUCTION AND common In today’s liturgy we will see the values by which a Christian should live. While these present an enormous challenge, they offer great rewards in terms of peace, happiness, and integrity. Let us pause to examine the values we live by. [Pause]…

Third Sunday Of The Ordinary Time Homily Year A
THIRD SUNDAY OF THE ORDINARY TIME YEAR A A light shines in the dark INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR St Matthew describes Christ’s mission like this: ‘The people who lived in darkness have seen a great light’. We too live in a world darkened by violence, injustice, hatred, war, and death. We desperately need the light of…

Second Sunday Homily Of Ordinary Time Year A
SECOND SUNDAY OF THE ORDINARY TIME YEAR A The arrival of the Saviour INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR In the Gospel of today’s Mass, John the Baptist points out Jesus to the people as the long-awaited Saviour. Jesus came to take away our sins. He came to heal our wounds. He came to renew us through the…

Baptism of the Lord Homily Year A
BAPTISM OF THE LORD YEAR A INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Today we celebrate the Baptism of Christ. Christ, the sinless one, joined the queue of sinners, and was baptised by his cousin John in the waters of the Jordan. He did this so as to free us from the power of sin. Let us pause to…

Epiphany – Manifestation Of Jesus Homily Year A
EPIPHANY Breaking down the barriers INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Today we hear once again the story of the wise men who embarked on a long and hazardous journey in search of the Christ-child. What made them wise? It was the fact that, whereas his own people didn’t want to know him, they recognised this Child as…

Feast of the Holy Family Homily Year A
FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Today, the feast of the Holy Family, shows how Jesus needed a family in order to grow to maturity. The Christian community is our wider family. Favorite 0

Christmas Homily Year A
CHRISTMAS HOMILY YEAR A Christ: the meaning and light of our lives INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR ‘Behold, I bring you news of great joy for all the people. To-day a saviour has been born’ to you; he is Christ the Lord.’ This was the message the angels brought to the shepherds. Favorite 0

Fourth Sunday Of Advent Year A
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT YEAR A Preparing for Christmas INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR We are getting very close to Christmas, and the pace of things is hotting up. There are so many things calling for our time and attention. The result could be that the spiritual side of Christmas hardly gets a look in. Let us…