Category: Homily Year A
Fifteenth Sunday Homily in Ordinary Time Year A
1st Reading – Isaiah 55:10-11 10 Thus says the LORD: Just in the same manner as rain and snow descend from heaven, and no longer return there, but soak the earth, and water it, and cause it to bloom and to provide seed to the sower and bread to the hungry, Favorite 0
Fourteenth Sunday Homily of the ordinary Time Year A
FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR A Humility and gentleness of heart INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR At times we all find life difficult. We become overburdened with problems and worries. We often use these as an excuse for not turning to Christ. In today’s Gospel Christ tells us to bring all our burdens to him and he…
Thirteenth Sunday Homily of the Ordinary Time Year A
THIRTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Hospitality means an open heart INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Christ likened the Kingdom of God to a tree in the branches of which all the birds of the sky are able to find shelter. Therefore, in a Christian community there should be no strangers, no outsiders, no rejects. Everybody should feel…
Twelfth Sunday Homily of the Ordinary Time Year A
TWELFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Witnesses without fear INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Christ told his followers that they should not be afraid to declare themselves for him before other people. Are we sometimes afraid to speak and to act in a Christian way? If so, why is this? Is it because we are unwilling to suffer…
Eleventh Sunday Homily of the Ordinary Time Year A
ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR He had compassion on them INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR In the Gospel we will read how Jesus looked at the people who had come to him, saw how harassed and miserable they were, and had compassion on them. ‘Sheep without a shepherd’ was how he described their plight. Favorite 0
Tenth Sunday of the Ordinary Time Homily Year A
TENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR The friend of sinners INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Today we have the extraordinary scene of Jesus eating and drinking with sinners and outcasts. We are gathered around the table of Christ, not because we think we are better or more deserving than others, but because we know we are sinners, sinners…
Ninth Sunday of the Ordinary Time Homily Year A
NINTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR A Building on rock INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR In today’s Gospel Christ says that it is not enough to listen to his words, we have to put them into practice. To put them into practice is to build the house of our lives on a rocklike foundation. Favorite 0
The Body and Blood of Christ Homily Year A
THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Jesus: the bread of life INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR An early Christian writing says this: ‘On the Lord’s day, gather in community to break bread and give thanks. No one who has a quarrel with another person may join your gathering, not until they are reconciled. Your sacrifice must not…
Trinity Sunday Homily Year A
Solemnities of our Lord TRINITY SUNDAY INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Today we celebrate the greatest mystery of our faith. We would not know anything about it if God had not revealed it to us. The mystery is this: that God is Father, Son and Spirit. Favorite 0
Pentecost Sunday Homily Year A
PENTECOST SUNDAY Changed people INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR This is the day when Jesus, true to his promise, sent his Spirit on the apostles. The coming of the Spirit resulted in changed people and saw the launching of the new community (the Church). Favorite 0
Ascension of the Lord Homily Year A
Ascension of the Lord Homily Year A YEAR A Jesus becomes Lord of creation INTRODUCTION AND common Today, the feast of Christ’s ascension, we celebrate the crowning of his Easter victory over sin and death. It is a joyous day, a day to look upwards at where Christ, our Brother, sits in glory a the…
Seventh Sunday Easter Homily Year A
SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Our need of the Spirit INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Today is the Sunday between the Ascension and Pentecost. We are gathered here to do what Christ asked his apostles to do, namely, to wait in prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit. We can be certain that Mary is with us,…
Sixth Sunday Easter Homily Year A
SIXTH SUNDAY 01″ EASTER Keeping his commandments INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Through the voice of the Church Christ says to us what he said to his apostles: ‘If you love me, keep my commandments’. We couldn’t possibly call over selves his disciples if we didn’t listen to his words and make an effort to live by…
Fifth Sunday Easter Homily Year A
FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Going home INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Few of us know what it’s like to be homeless. Without a home where we belong and are loved, life loses most, if not all, of its meaning. Jesus assures us that ultimately all of us have a home to go to, namely, the Father’s house….
Fourth Sunday of Easter Homily Year A
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR A Christ the Good Shepherd INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR This Sunday is traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday. We will hear once more the words of that great psalm: ‘The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want’. Christ is our Good Shepherd. Let us pause to reflect ‘on…
Third Sunday of Easter Homily Year A
THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Story-telling on the road to Emmaus INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR On Easter Sunday evening two disciples of Jesus were returning to their native village. They were filled with sadness because the man on whom they had pinned their hopes had been executed. Then the risen Jesus joined them, opened their eyes, and…
Second Sunday of Easter Year A
SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Cease doubting and believe INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR In today’s Gospel we meet Doubting Thomas. Each of us has something in common with him, for at times our minds are darkened by doubt. The risen Jesus is with us now, and he says to us what he said to Thomas: ‘Cease doubting…
Easter Sunday Homily Year A
EASTER SUNDAY YEAR A The resurrection: heart of the Good News INTRODUCTION AND common It is impossible to describe the greatness and joy of this day for Christians. This is the day Christ our Brother broke the chains of death and rose in triumph from the grave. He did this, not just for…
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Homily Year A
PASSION (PALM) SUNDAY Death of the Good Shepherd INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR Holy Week, which begins today, is the greatest week in the Church’s year. It is made holy by the death of Christ, the Good Shepherd who died for his flock. He died because of sin. Since we are all sinners, each of us…
Fifth Sunday Lent Homily Year A
FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Christ the resurrection and the life INTRODUCTION AND CONFITEOR In today’s Gospel we see a scene which is all too common in our own world – people weeping over the death of a loved one. Jesus is at the heart of this sad scene, for it is his good friend Lazarus…